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Handmade Glass Installations & Commissions
for Residential & Commercial Spaces.
Randie Silverstein Glass

May 27, 2019
Literally held in suspense...
With most of my artwork finished for the exhibit, I am starting to lay out the plans for installation. Since the entire piece will be...

May 27, 2019
Glass Reimagined
Thank you Stephanie, I have been so busy exploring and discovering, that I have neglected to write, which I have so enjoyed! So thank you...

May 27, 2019
Annihilation: Destruction or Creation?
an·ni·hi·la·tion əˌnīəˈlāSHən/ noun complete destruction or obliteration. The conversion of matter into energy, especially the mutual...

May 27, 2019
Magic and Dark Matter
Dark Matter. After having Alex the astrophysicist over to my studio to see my artwork, my husband and I left Santa Cruz for our annual...

May 27, 2019
Finding Solutions
I invited him to bend a piece of glass using only a candle and so he got to feel when the glass started to get soft, and then its subsequent

Apr 5, 2019
Fusion of Art and Science at Blitzer Gallery
Well, the Fusion show is over, and it was very hard to take down my installation! Now "We are Stardust" lives in two boxes under my...

Mar 1, 2019
A "Fusion of Art and Physics" at R. Blitzer Gallery
As part of the new R. Blitzer Exhibit, Santa Cruz glass artist Randie Silverstein teamed up with astrophysicist Alex McDaniel to explore...
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